Custom Cruisers New Website and news update

person Posted By: Mike Chadwick list In: News On: favorite Hit: 7930

It's finally here! is up and running! Here are our social links for you all to express your opinions on the website with us directly! is your number one stop for all things motorcycles, ranging from clothing to whole new engines we do everything. We've moved on from our old website that was hard to use and wasn't working properly to the all new system here! 

Currently during the COViD 19 period we are only mail order,, we are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused we hope to be open very soon, as of now all our couriers are delivering to us meaning we can get your parts to you!

We welcome you to give us feedback on what you think to the new website either on here or over on our social channels. We are on Facebook, Instagram and our best and most popular our Youtube! 

Here is the link to our Facebook site, here you will see daily content of products on offer and videos made by us!

Here is our link to Youtube, we post all the items we get in for your benefit! From what we are doing in the workshop to what products are coming into stock we have a wide range of content on there for you to see.

We are over on Instagram, we show bikes that come over to the shop and also product updates with offers on many items!

If there's nothing you can find on the website please give us a call on 01773835666 and we'll get it for you! 


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